A budget makes your money work for you. The money you make from selling your patterns or finished items has a purpose. Those dollars have a job to do

Your Creative Biz-An Intro to Budgets

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Does your handmade or creative biz need a budget?

Maybe you just finished up your bookkeeping for last year, looked at your numbers, and were appalled at the amount of money you spent in certain categories – Inventory perhaps?

You looked at your ending inventory balance. Maybe, you thought "HOLY CRAP" my spending needs to go on a diet - I think I need a budget!

Maybe, you looked at your ending inventory balance, discovered it was close to $2,000.00!  Did you think “HOLY CRAP!” my spending needs to go on a diet.  I think I need a budget!

Budgets & Goal Setting.  Sexy, right?

Nope, not at all.  But both are super helpful when it comes to making a money roadmap for your handmade or creative business.

What IS a budget?

A budget is more than:

  • just saying “NO” to buying that wonderfully soft, squishy yarn that you see on sale
  • signing up for that course that you’ll probably never do anything with because you just don’t have TIME
  • or, buying that piece of software that someone said “you absolutely had to have it”

A budget makes your money work for you.

The money you make from selling your patterns or finished items has a purpose. Those dollars have a job to do that includes:

  • Putting money into your pocket (hint – this should be your #1 goal).
  • Keeping your website up & running.
  • Investing in courses that you actually need.
  • Paying for craft fair booths so you can actually sell your finished items.
  • Maybe some advertising so people actually find you and buy your patterns.
  • Buying a big ticket item like a new computer, a spinning wheel, a loom.
And intro to budgets. Evaluate where your money went last year and where it needs to go this year

So, here’s what you need to do initially.

  • Drill down on the amounts in those high dollar spending categories.
  • Ask yourself:
    • Did I really do the work in course X?
    • Have I used software Y?
  • If it’s something that you pay a monthly subscription for and you didn’t use it – CANCEL THAT SUBSCRIPTION!
  • Really evaluate where your money went last year.
  • Evaluate where your money needs to go this year.

Once you’ve done this, next week we’ll talk about actually creating a budget.

Unfortunately, many of us think the answer to making money is to sell more, often times it’s really about spending less or spending more wisely.

You looked at your ending inventory balance. Maybe, you thought "HOLY CRAP" my spending needs to go on a diet - I think I need a budget!

About Nancy Smyth, The YarnyBookkeeper

Hi, I'm Nancy. Yarn addict, career bookkeeper, and handmade business owner. I get the same feeling of joy when working with yummy yarns as I do when working with a column of numbers that all add up correctly. Bookkeeping for your handmade or creative business doesn't need to be scary. I can help you learn to handle your bookkeeping and other behind the scenes STUFF with confidence!

1 Comment

  1. […] RESOURCES: Why you need a budget for your handmade or creative biz, Your Creative Biz-An Intro to Budgets, My Creative Biz-Let’s Create a Budget, My Creative Biz-Creating an Expense Budget, Your Creative […]

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