Ok, so maybe that’s a HUGE stretch of the imagination! And you might be laughing hysterically at this point.

But, making a snarly face when you look at that pile of paperwork that needs to be put into some sort of bookkeeping system isn’t going to make it go away — any more that those loose ends will weave themselves in.

You’re a rock star at creating finished items, designs, and beautiful things . . . but the bookkeeping is just too overwhelming and you’d rather play with yarn!

I get it, bookkeeping can be confusing and overwhelming. And ya, a LOT of people hate the thought of having to do any sort of bookkeeping task.

Maybe you’re just confused & overwhelmed with all this “bookkeeping” stuff . . . OR . . maybe you just HATE the mere thought of bookkeeping?

After all, none of us were born with a magic bookkeeping gene.

But good bookkeeping processes should make you happy. Imagine how awesome you’ll feel when you:

  • do the math and are positive that you’re going to make a profit on that amazing shawl you just finished
  • look at the Net Income on your Profit & Loss Report and see that you actually made money this month (quarter or year)
  • run a report and see how many copies of pattern X you’ve sold since you released it
  • work the numbers to actually come up with a Fair Hourly Wage that includes your overhead costs

All of those things are something to smile about!

Hi, I’m Nancy. A career bookkeeper and handmade business owner – just like you. My goal is to help handmade & creative business owners learn:

Once you’ve learned these things:

  • You can STOP snarling at all that paperwork
  • Get that paperwork off your desk and into a bookkeeping system
  • You’ll be able to make sound financial business decision.
  • You can get back to creating beautiful things!

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