6 Common Bookkeeping Thoughts That Will Keep You Stuck (and How To Overcome Them)

Negative thoughts about the bookkeeping for your handmade business will keep you stuck! Learn about 6 common negative thoughts about bookkeeping and how to overcome them.

Bookkeeping isn’t sexy or glamourous – and everyone can come up with a bazillion excuses (oops, I meant REASONS) to avoid doing their bookkeeping.

The more times that you tell yourself things like:

  • I can’t
  • This is too hard
  • I don’t know how
  • This is just too complicated
  • I don’t understand

When it’s time to tackle your bookkeeping, the more likely you’re going to end up believing it and then those thoughts will just end up paralyzing you.

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about these 6 common negative thoughts about bookkeeping that will keep you stuck – and how to overcome them:

  1. No one told me about all this bookkeeping stuff!
  2. I’m just not a numbers person!
  3. This bookkeeping stuff just seems so complicated! What if I make a mistake?
  4. I don’t know how to categorize my expenses!
  5. All this bookkeeping stuff makes me so tired!
  6. Maybe this bookkeeping stuff just isn’t all that important anyway!

Are you ready to learn how to overcome these 6 common negative bookkeeping thoughts that will keep you stuck – with an attitude adjustment?

Awesome! So here’s how this works (and this is one of the things that we did in the Hobby <- to -> Business Bookkeeping Challenge).

  • Print this blog post
  • Grab a piece of paper or open a Word or Google Doc
  • For each negative thought that you identify with, write down 5 positive things that counter act that negative feeling (this is the MOST important step in overcoming these negative thoughts)
  • Write down these positive affirmations on post-it notes and put them where you can see them


woman with a headache thinking how no one told her about all this bookkeeping stuff

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #1:

No one told me about all this bookkeeping stuff!

Maybe all someone told you was to open a business checking account, register your biz, blah, blah, blah!

If this is what you were told, then shame on them! They certainly didn’t do you any favors now did they?

As soon as you decide to open a business, you automatically signed up to be a bookkeeper – like it or not!

Maybe there are other things that they didn’t tell you either. Check out this free recorded webinar – AVOID These 10 Handmade Business Myths and read this blog post – When to start a bookkeeping system for your handmade business

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “no one told you about all this bookkeeping STUFF?” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #2:

I’m just not a numbers person!

Honestly, this is the negative thought that I hear so many people say out loud!

And I can’t understand why!!!!

As makers and designers we are ALWAYS dealing with numbers and math, because we are counting rows and stitches.

Take those mad math skills and apply them to counting your MONEY!

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “I’m just not a numbers person?” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

a woman thinking that bookkeeping seems complicated

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #3:

This bookkeeping stuff just seems so complicated! What if I make a mistake?

I bet you felt the same way when you first learned how to knit, crochet, or write a pattern.

But you mastered all that didn’t you?

Anything new that you do is going to feel complicated, when you first start doing it.

And yes, you’re bound to make mistakes – initially (most people do)! But most mistakes can be easily fixed!

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “this bookkeeping stuff just seems so complicated! What if I make a mistake?” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

a woman thinking that she doesn't know how to categorize her business expenses

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #4:

I don’t know how to categorize my expenses!

Don’t let this thought stop you! Think about the types of things that you buy for your business.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Read this blog post – How to categorize your craft business expenses for some tips.

If you need more help, check out the Hobby <- to -> Business Bookkeeping Challenge course.

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “I don’t know how to categorize my expenses!” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

woman feeling tired when faced with her bookkeeping

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #5:

All this bookkeeping stuff makes me so tired!

Becoming “tired” when faced with tasks that we don’t like to do is a common problem.

But don’t you want to know (instead of guess or hope) that your business is really making money?

Doing your bookkeeping is the only way that you’ll really find out!

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “all this bookkeeping stuff makes me so tired!!!” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

a woman thinking that the bookkeeping for her handmade business isn't important

Common Negative Bookkeeping Thought #6:

Maybe this bookkeeping stuff just isn’t all that important anyway!

Maybe you’ve done a lot of Google-ing about bookkeeping for handmade businesses and you’re just totally frustrated!

I get it! There’s a LOT of really BAD (and generic) information out there!!!!!

I’m so glad you ended up here 🙂 Start with this blog post – 6 Reasons WHY you need good bookkeeping records and see if you change your mind.

What are 5 positive thoughts that can counteract this negative feeling of “maybe all this bookkeeping stuff isn’t all that important anyway!” Write them down. Repeat them over and over again to yourself.

Final Thoughts about 6 Common Bookkeeping Thoughts That Will Keep You Stuck (and How To Overcome Them)

I totally get it, bookkeeping isn’t sexy or glamourous – and everyone can come up with a bazillion excuses (oops, I meant REASONS) to avoid doing their bookkeeping.

The more times that you tell yourself things like:

  • I can’t
  • This is too hard
  • I don’t know how
  • This is just too complicated
  • I don’t understand

When it’s time to tackle your bookkeeping, the more likely you’re going to end up believing it and then those thoughts will just end up paralyzing you.

Overcoming these common thoughts about bookkeeping really does involve an attitude adjustment (some people will call it a mindset change, but I’m old-school!) It all starts with coming up with positive thoughts that counteract the negative ones and educating yourself.

Hobby to Business Bookkeeping Challenge

Need more help in overcoming common bookkeeping thoughts that will keep you stuck?

Check out the Hobby to Business Bookkeeping Challenge – $49.00

That’s it for this time!

post signature 2022

About Nancy Smyth, The YarnyBookkeeper

Hi, I'm Nancy. Yarn addict, career bookkeeper, and handmade business owner. I get the same feeling of joy when working with yummy yarns as I do when working with a column of numbers that all add up correctly. Bookkeeping for your handmade or creative business doesn't need to be scary. I can help you learn to handle your bookkeeping and other behind the scenes STUFF with confidence!

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