Showing 7 Result(s)
Sales & Use Tax

How To fill out a Sales & Use Tax Return

Learning how to fill out a Sales & Use Tax Return can be a challenge for a handmade or creative business owner, well actually any sort of business owner. The second quarter just ended on June 30, so that means here in the U.S. many business owners need to complete and submit a Sales (& …

Sales Tax is totally overwhelming and often confusing for handmade and/or creative business owner.  And it's little wonder -   few understand (or even want to think about) the impact that the Supreme Court ruling that went into effect June 21, 2018 had on every business that sells on the internet. Here's the DIRTY lowdown on Sales Tax and it's impact on your creative biz.

Sales Tax-The DIRTY lowdown

Sales Tax-the DIRTY lowdown of how it impacts your handmade or creative business. Sales Tax is totally overwhelming and often confusing for handmade and/or creative business owners.  And it’s little wonder –   few understand (or even want to think about) the impact that the Supreme Court ruling that went into effect June 21, 2018 had …

Sales Tax, Economic Nexus & your handmade business

Sales Tax, Economic Nexus & Your handmade business

Sales tax laws are changing quickly – and as a handmade business owner you need to know the rules about economic nexus and be prepared! You may have heard or read about South Dakota vs. Wayfair, Inc. and sort of just dismissed it for any number of reasons – but it is a really big deal. Under this …

Sales Tax tracking tips

Sales Tax Tracking Tips for your handmade business

Tracking sales tax in your handmade business can be a total pain and it could get worse!  On Tuesday 4/17/18 the Supreme Court took up the battle between states and web retailers over the collection and remittance of Sales Tax and this could result in small business owners have to collect and remit Sales Tax …