♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for your handmade business♥️♥️ is the first-of-it’s kind handmade, creative, and craft business bookkeeping course that focuses on making bookkeeping tasks EASIER by using real bookkeeping software, instead of piecing together a bunch of spreadsheets!

♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for your handmade business♥️♥️ is a step-by-step guide to understanding and automating your bookkeeping tasks using real bookkeeping software instead of spreadsheets – so you can get back to doing what you love!

Feel confident about your bookkeeping tasks as a handmade, creative, or craft business owner.

Bookkeeping Essentials course screenshots
Isn’t it time to get your bookkeeping under control?

You’ve started a handmade, creative or craft business!  Major kudos to you for beginning an amazing adventure where you turn your love of fiber into a real business instead of dabblings as a hobby.  BUT…..

  • you’ve quickly realized that there’s a lot more to selling than just taking great photo’s, writing amazing product descriptions, and being really active on social media
  • you have tons of questions about the bookkeeping and financial side of actually running a business
  • sure, you may have taken some bookkeeping & accounting classes (back in high school)but you really didn’t pay all that much attention …. then
  • you’ve spent hours sliding down the rabbit hole in Facebook groups and doing “research” on Google – only to end up feeling MORE confused
  • you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed, and totally FRUSTRATED!  How the hell are you supposed to figure all this out on your own?????
  • maybe, you’ve gone to the local SBA (Small Business Administration) office and NO ONE understands what you do!   They think you just sit around and play with yarn 😞
  • you’re about to give up and just wing it on your own – but you’re left with SO MANY DOUBTS!
  • are you thinking – Gawd, I HATE spreadsheets, there’s GOT to be a better way!
  • and you’re left wondering – why isn’t there someone who can explain all this STUFF without all the accounting and “legal” speak?

Are you feeling anxious about making the wrong choices when it comes to stuff like…..

  • keeping track of all THAT Sales Tax?
  • wondering if you need to set aside money each month for taxes and how to figure out how much to set aside?
  • what the HELL is Cost of Goods Sold & Cost of Sales?
  • OMG, how do I keep track of all this inventory?
  • what’s the difference between Cost of Goods Sold and Expenses?
  • understanding all those CONFUSING “accounting speak” terms and how all “that” applies to my handmade, creative, or craft business
  • categorizing expenses
  • entering day-to-day transactions
Bookkeeping Essentials for you handmade business course helps you get your bookkeeping under control
Wouldn’t it feel GREAT to get your bookkeeping under control?

Getting your bookkeeping under control means that you are able to get back to doing what you love——-creating!  But it also means:

  • developing a routine and sticking to it (no matter what)
  • having a straightforward list of tasks that you do daily, weekly, and monthly (no matter what)
  • having everything you need for year-end tax time (there won’t be any surprises when you’re bookkeeping savvy!)
  • knowing how much money you took out of the family budget and invested in your business
  • being certain if your business is REALLY making the profit you desire

Wouldn’t it feel great to know you have all this “stuff” under control – like the badass handmade business boss that you are?

Luckily for you, I’ve created this first-of-its-kind handmade, creative, or craft business bookkeeping course that focuses on making bookkeeping tasks EASIER by using real bookkeeping software, instead of piecing together a bunch of spreadsheets!

Introducing Bookkeeping Essentials for your handmade business is the first-of-its-kind bookkeeping course to focus on using real bookkeeping software, instead of piecing together a bunch of spreadsheets

Your step-by-step guide to getting your bookkeeping under control …. created just for handmade, creative, and craft business owners.

  • As a handmade business owner and career bookkeeper, I’ve helped hundreds of business owners over the last 30+ years.  I’ve heard their struggles, their confusion, and taught them how to set up and properly enter transactions in their bookkeeping systems.
  • One of the biggest hurdles is  – you simply didn’t know that the things you want to keep track of (in order to make good business decisions) can be combined with the things you need to keep track of (in order to keep the tax man happy).  No one is giving you the big picture or taking your needs into consideration. 
  • I’ve taken notes every time that I heard a handmade business owner say, “I wish someone had explained all that accounting speak and how it applied to my business when I started out,  my books would be in much better shape!” or “I have no idea how to categorize my expenses”
  • Whether you’re in the thinking about it stage of starting a business, just about to open your business, or even if you’ve been around for awhile and have a lot of catching up to do, the  ♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for Your Handmade Business ♥️♥️ course will help you sort it all out, understand it, get on track, and not feel anxious anymore!

What people are saying …..

I feel so much more confident! Not only do I have the bookkeeping for my handmade business under control, but we also bought another business and met with the new CPA. I asked her several questions about the small business stuff and she complimented me on my knowledge! My husband and mother-in-law both dropped their jaws. All things I learned from your trainings. GO NANCY!!!

I love Nancy! She is so knowledgeable! And it’s all tailored towards a handmade business. If you have ever attempted to research bookkeeping, it’s more general or for other industries. The fiber and handmade business has a lot more small parts to account for, and Nancy is always offering relevant information. Because I keep up with her blog posts, I am actually tracking my crochet business expenses monthly, if not biweekly. I feel that I have a much better understanding of what’s coming and going, as well as an overview of the year so far. Thank you Nancy

Stop sliding down the rabbit hole of research in Facebook Groups and on Google that leave you confused - sign up for the Bookkeeping Essentials for your handmade business course

♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for Your Handmade Business ♥️♥️ course will give you the answers you need to questions you haven’t even thought of yet!   

Forget all the confusing as hell Facebook and internet research you’ve found, that even you know doesn’t apply to your handmade, creative, or craft business! 

I’m going to replace all those myths with  straightforward  answers and help you apply bookkeeping principles to your handmade, creative, or craft business.

As you go through each section of  ♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for Your Handmade Business ♥️♥️ course, you’ll learn:

  • About all that confusing “accounting speak’ and how it applies to your business
  • How to organize your bookkeeping system and financial reports so they make sense to you,  your CPA (if you have one) and the Tax Man too.
  • How the whole “inventory & Cost of Goods Sold” thing works
  • Why real bookkeeping software is so much better than spreadsheets (that you have to make copies of year after year)
  • Learn how to set up your bookkeeping system in Wave Accounting (FREE) or QuickBooks Desktop Pro or Premier (Paid)
  • How to enter day to day transactions
  • How to know exactly how much money your took out of the family budget and invested in your business WITHOUT going through your bank statements with a calculator!
  • To feel confident about the money side of your business

Does the ♥️♥️ Bookkeeping Essentials for Your Handmade Business ♥️♥️ course sound like something you’d be interested in?

Here’s what’s included:

  • Module 1: Welcome – 6 lessons that tell you about the course and what you’ll need
  • Module 2: The Planning Stage – 2 lessons that help you with planning to get the MOST out of this course
  • Module 3: What should you be tracking in your bookkeeping system? 8 lessons + 2 bonus videos + 2 bonus trainings that teach you all about categorizing your Income, Cost of Goods Sold/Cost of Sales, and your Expenses. You’ll also learn about 2 main business financial reports (that EVERY business should have) and what information belongs in each report. During this module you’ll develop a Chart of Accounts for your handmade, creative, or craft business with the categories that YOU want to keep track of – that will also make your CPA and the Tax Man happy.
  • Module 4: Using QuickBooks Desktop Pro or Premier for your bookkeeping system – 9 lessons covering purchasing, downloading, installing and setting up QuickBooks Pro or Premier to track you business finances. Including, how to enter the day-to-day transactions.
  • Module 5: Using Wave Accounting for your bookkeeping system – 8 lessons covering creating a FREE Wave account, setting up Wave to track your business finances. Including how to enter the day-to-day transactions.
  • Module 6: Organizing and making sense of Etsy & PayPal Reports – 2 lessons that cover taking your monthly Etsy and PayPal reports, organizing them, and then how to enter that information into your bookkeeping system.

That’s a total of 39 lessons! All of which focus on helping YOU create a bookkeeping system for YOUR business.

No pre-made spreadsheets that you have to constantly update or make new copies of when a new year comes around!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Click the + sign on the right to view the answer.