A free handmade business resource library, containing all of the spreadsheet tools that I’ve shown in various posts here on the blog.
A few weeks ago, someone (I’ll call her Kim) sent me an email via the Contact Us form here on the site asking for a copy of the Use Tax Tracking Spreadsheet that I talked about in this post . She also asked if I had a page or a Resource Library here on the site that contained a copy of all the different spreadsheets that I had talked about in various blog posts.
As I read Kim’s email, I was like DUH! Why didn’t I think of that?
Unfortunately, that’s what happens when you wear all the hats/do all the things. You often overlook the little but important things – like creating a resource library!
Let me tell you a little about the Free Handmade Business Resource Library…..
It’s password protected
- For Newsletter subscribers only
I don’t mind giving things away – but how else will you know if I’ve put something new in there?
If you’r’e new to the site, when the “Subscribe” pop-up appears make sure you join my mailing list.
If you’re already a subscriber, you’ll find the link to the Handmade Business Resource Library AND the password at the bottom of each email that goes out.
What’s in the Free Handmade Business Resource Library?
I’m going to be totally honest, it’s not 100% done – it takes a lot of time to build. I’ve tried to break the resources into categories and this is what’s available right now!
General Bookkeeping & Accounting Resources:
- Accounting Primer – Debits & Credits
- Sample Cost of Goods Sold & Overhead Expenses for Makers
- Year-End Bookkeeping Tasks & Checklist
- Bookkeeping Checklist
Project Cost & Pricing Resources:
- Project Costs & Pricing Calculator
Inventory Resources:
- These are coming soon
Sales (& Use) Tax Tracking Resources:
- Use Tax Tracking Spreadsheet
Time Tracking & Daily/Weekly Planners:
- Coming Soon
Social Media Planners:
- Coming Soon
Other Resources:
- Coming Soon
There’s a bunch more Free handmade business resources that I have and I’ll be updating the Library as I review and perhaps even spruce them up a bit.
Want access? Subscribe below!
[contact-field required="1" hascustomcss="" customcss="" otterconditions="" type="name" label="Name"/] [contact-field required="1" hascustomcss="" customcss="" otterconditions="" type="email" label="Email"/] [contact-field hascustomcss="" customcss="" otterconditions="" type="consent" implicitconsentmessage="By submitting your information, you're giving us permission to email you. You may unsubscribe at any time." explicitconsentmessage="Can we send you an email from time to time?" label="Consent"/]Well, that’s it for this week. Time for me to get to work 🙂